Congreso In addition to their expertise in Acupuncture, Prof.Vecino is recognized as a great communicator.
He has collaborated with various institutions, lecturing informative. Your participation in media, radio and television, as a guest on talk shows and in print, through dissemination of articles of acupuncture. That way has helped the medical knowledge of this technique, which for most of the offering was unknown.
Seminars and Courses
Seminarios y Cursos The teaching of Dr.Vecino not limited their participation in the Zaragoza University.

In addition to giving seminars and courses sponsored by organizations like Red Cross, Medical Colleges, etc., Dr.Vecino has been invited to teach at important and prestigious universities.

Throughout his professional career, has worked as a visiting professor in the Master of Acupuncture from the Spanish universities of Seville, Granada and Complutense de Madrid.

Also at universities in Portugal, Porto and Coimbra for example.
Universisad Promoted by Dr.Vecino, since 1992 the Department of Morphological Sciences (now Human Anatomy and Histology), School of Medicine of Zaragoza University, is developing an area of study in Acupuncture.

In this area develop different aspects: a subject (undergraduate), doctoral programs, research projects (in collaboration with Department of Animal Pathology, Veterinary School) and the programming of acupuncture courses, aimed at doctors and professionals of health. Courses from 200 to 300 hours. And since 1998 has introduced the Master of Acupuncture.

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